New cricket nets for Tahmoor Cricket Club

Tahmoor Cricket Club are now able to practice their skills in high quality, modern cricket nets after the team at Dynamic Sports Facilities recently upgraded their sporting facilities.

The old 2-lane cricket nets that had been there for about 30 years were quite tired and worn and in need of replacement, so Dynamic Sports Facilities were called in to bring the cricket nets into the 21stcentury.

The old Tahmoor cricket nets.
The old Tahmoor cricket nets.

President of Tahmoor Cricket Club, Craig Bethune, said the new nets are fantastic.

“With the expansion and upgrade of the nets we’re now able to have juniors and seniors training at the same time,” he said. “Our local schools will also benefit as they use the nets for carnivals and trials.”

“The nets look great and we’re really impressed. Dynamic Sports Facilities have done a good job and it was done pretty quickly too. They were very helpful,’ Craig said.

The new nets ready for players.
The new nets ready for players.

The project started with the demolishing of the existing nets and concrete slab plus some excavation and earthworks works to allow the addition of a third lane to the new facility.

The new slab was constructed and covered with stunning mix of coloured synthetic grasses. The middle pitch is covered in ‘Super Country’ in green with the left and right hand side pitches covered in beige. The non-playing areas are a deeper green. The combination is not only ideal for the comfort and performance of players but is aesthetically pleasing.

The team then supplied and installed new galvinised fence posts and heavy-duty 3m high fencing.

The result is a brand new, top of the line sports facility that will enable the cricketers of Tahmoor to GET ACTIVE.

The cricket club was able to secure grant funding and donations to allow the project to go ahead, including:

  • A community partnership grant from state member Jai Rowell
  • A grant from the Veolia Mulwarree Trust
  • Contributions from Cricket NSW, Camden District Cricket Association and BPB Earth Moving.

Do you need a new community sports facility built for your club? Our team can assess your existing facilities with an on-site inspection and recommend specific remedies or a whole new design. They also have knowledge about what funding and sporting grants might be available for your project and can assist with your grant submissions.

From residential, to community and commercial projects, Dynamic Sports Facilities can help you to produce a useful and attractive sports facility that will encourage everyone to get active.

Contact us now for an obligation free quote.

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